1 minute read


Yazi is a terminal file explorer written in Rust. I give it a quick try and found it’s a good alternative to ls and tree command. It provides a more intuitive way to navigate files and directories in the terminal.

Also, yazi is built with Rust, which means it’s fast and efficient. It’s a good tool for those who prefer using the terminal for file management.

I am using MacOS, the content below is based on my experience with yazi on MacOS.

Quick use

Install yazi with Homebrew:

brew install yazi


You need to create a config files in your .config directory:

mkdir -p ~/.config/yazi
touch ~/.config/yazi/yazi.toml
touch ~/.config/yazi/theme.toml
touch ~/.config/yazi/keymap.toml

yazi.toml: The main configuration file.

show_hidden = false
ratio = [1, 2, 5]

edit = [
	{ run = 'nvim "$@"', block = true, for = "unix" },
	{ run = "nvim %*",   block = true, for = "windows" },

prepend_previewers = [
  { name = "*.md", run = "glow" },

Using theme

theme.toml: The theme configuration file.

You need to install the theme first:

ya pack -a yazi-rs/flavors:catppuccin-macchiato

Then add the theme to the theme.toml file:

use = "catppuccin-macchiato"

